Three Minutes give
you the healthy Water (Waktu 3 menit
memberi Anda air yang sehat)
by :
Functional characteristics:
1. To improve the nutrient absorption, metabolism & immunity.
2. Change the common water into nanometer activated water, which is rich in mineral element, such as Ca, Ma, K and Na.
3. Resist oxidation, delay senility & be favorable for human being's health.
4. The negative potential can eliminate the excrescent free radical.
5. Detoxicate the alcohol & tobacco.
6. Strong solubility, and long- term's drinking can prevent the renal calculus.
7. Neutralize the acidic toxin in the bowels, eliminate the dysporia.
8. Cure acidosis, rectify the acidic constitution.
9. Neutralize the excrescent gastric acid, protect against gastritis
1. To improve the nutrient absorption, metabolism & immunity.
2. Change the common water into nanometer activated water, which is rich in mineral element, such as Ca, Ma, K and Na.
3. Resist oxidation, delay senility & be favorable for human being's health.
4. The negative potential can eliminate the excrescent free radical.
5. Detoxicate the alcohol & tobacco.
6. Strong solubility, and long- term's drinking can prevent the renal calculus.
7. Neutralize the acidic toxin in the bowels, eliminate the dysporia.
8. Cure acidosis, rectify the acidic constitution.
9. Neutralize the excrescent gastric acid, protect against gastritis
Manfaat :
Meningkatkan penyerapan sari makanan, metabolism dan daya tahan tubuh
2. Merubah
air biasa menjadi air nanometer aktif yang kaya akan zat mineral seperti
kalsium, managaan, kalium dan natirium ( Ca, Ma, K , Na)
3. Tahan
terhadap oksidasi, menunda penuaan (kepikunan) dan sangat tepat untuk kesehatan
Berpotensi menghapus/mengeluarkan radikal bebas
Menghilangkan racun ,alkohol dan tembakau
6. Daya
larut yang kuat dan minum dalam jangka panjang dapat mencegah pengendapan
kalsium dalam ginjal
Menetralkan asam lambung yang beracun, menghilangkan rasa mual, sebah dalam
8. Mengobati
kelebihan asam lambung dan memperbaiki reaksi asam lambung
Menetralkanasam pengeluaran asam lambung untuk mencegah radang usus
Apply instruction:
1. Clean the cup with hot water before you use it, in order to active the Nano particle. (please use the hot water with the temperature above 90, Wait until the hot water to be cool, then repeat to wash it at least for 3 times. )
2. Pour in the water, and wait for about 10-15 minutes.
3. Enjoy your mineral.
4. Suggested application amount: 2000 ml everyday.
1. Clean the cup with hot water before you use it, in order to active the Nano particle. (please use the hot water with the temperature above 90, Wait until the hot water to be cool, then repeat to wash it at least for 3 times. )
2. Pour in the water, and wait for about 10-15 minutes.
3. Enjoy your mineral.
4. Suggested application amount: 2000 ml everyday.
5. When you
found the sediment adhere to the water of the cup, clear it with vinegar
Cara Penggunaan
1. Bersihkan
Bejana Nanometer/Termos alkaline (Alkaline Eenergy Flask) dengan air panas sebelum digunakan. Untuk mengaktifkan
partikel Bejana Nanometer (termos Alkaline) gunakan air panas diatas diatas 90 derajat
celcius, tunggu sampai air dingin dan ulangi pembilasan ini minimal 3 kali
2. Tuangkan
kedalamnya air dingin dan tunggu(diamkan) sampai 10-15 menit (jangan
dikocok “Shake”)
3. Nikmati
air mineral Anda (setelah itu silakan minum)
4. Disarankan
banyaknya penggunaan 2000ml setiap hari
5. Apabila
terdapat endapan yang menempel pada bejana/termos alkali, bersihkan dengan air
Suggesting :
1. Cleaning
it with boiled water at least 3 times before you use it for the first time .
(pour boiled water with more than half volume of cup, vibrate it up and down)
2. At the
first month you use it, one minute is enough. Just keep water in the cup for
one minute before drinking (You can test the PH value after one minute)
3.Afetr one
month, keep the water in the cup fo3 minutes before drinking .(You can test PH
value after 3 minutes)
4. If using
purified water, you should appropriately prolong the time that keep water in
energy cup, as the acidic of purified water is too strong
Perhatian :
1. Bersihkan
peralatan ini dengan air mendidih minimal 3 kali sebelum dipergunakan untuk pertama kali
2. Pada
bulan pertama dipakai cukup satu menit diamkan air dalam bejana sebelum diminum
(dapat dites derajat keasaman setelah 3 menit)
3. Setelah
satu bulan diamkan air dalam bejana 3neit sebemum di minum (derajat keasaman
dapat dites 3 menit)
4. Apabila
menggunkan air yang dimurnikan , akan lebih baik disimpan dalam termos
nanometer lebih lama agar kemurnian dan keasaman air lebih kuat
Order/distribution by :
Copy manual ini hanya untuk memudahkan saja, lebih baik silakan baca/pahami
di brosur asli dari pabriknya .
Ready stock alkali water stick/stick alkaline, PH
tester cair dll, Lengkap di (Grosir/eceran)
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