Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Jual Beli Alkaline Hydrogen Water Stick, GTC, Golden Water SticK Packing Exclusive




 Also known as the direct water stick or  diet ion stick

If can even help you lose weight when you drink sufficient quantities !
100% original Alkaline Hydrogen Water Stick
Alkaline Hydrogen Water Stick  atau Alkaline Water Stick Digunakan Untuk Menambah PH pada Air Hingga Sekitar 8,6
Air Yang Memakai Tambahan PH Alkalizer Meningkatkan PH Air Minum Yang Berfungsi Untuk :
- Memperlancar Sistem Pencernaan
- Memproteksi Tubuh dari Serangan Penyakit
- Menghambat Proses Penuaan Dini
- Keseimbangan Tubuh
- Memaksimalkan Sistem Metabolisme Tubuh dll

Original Golden Water Stick / GTC tercetak jelas di packing
Feature  Alkaline Hydrogen Water:
100% brand new and high quality
Quantity: 1
Color: Silver
Size dia: 17mm , weight: 45gr, Height:146mm, Exterior Of Stick : 304 SS,Interior  of stick : Tourmaline stone, Maifanshi Stone,  far integred stone,  nano silver powder, calcium ion stone

1 . Before using, put the stick in a clean bottle filled half-way with tap or bottle water(if bottled, preferably one with a 7 pH or higher). (If stick is covered with plastic wrapper, please remove) Shake vigorously for 30 seconds and dispose. This removes excess loose minerals. Repeat 2 more times.

2. Fill the bottle again with water shake vigorously for 30 seconds and wait 15-20 minutes before drinking.

The longer the water sits with the ionic stick submerged, the stronger the ionization and the higher the pH (up to pH 9.5) Also a strong negative charge(ORP) is attained,can to -200
If it tastes too strong, dilute it a bit with additional source water.

3. Use one stick for a 16 oz bottle (500ml). Use two sticks for a quart (1 liter) bottle, or more sticks for faster, stronger ionized drinking water.
4. Best to drink freshly made ionized water, and drink often


Fast order :  0828373564  
(WA, SMS, HP )

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